ANTONIJA - NOVI TJEDAN Ovaj tjedan su tete donijele lišće. Dijelili smo ih u krug, a djeca su ih svojim ručicama opipavali i igrali se sa njima. Na likovnoj terapiji smo farbali lišće i kestenje. Ovaj tjedan mi je jako brzo prošao. Jako sam se naviknula na rad sa tom djecom i ne znam kako će to biti kada sve ovo završi. U bilo koju grupu da sam došla sva djeca su me uvijek lijepo primila. Iako nekada zna biti malo zahtjevnije, ne znam što bih da nisam tamo. Djeca su mi jako prirasla k srcu. I nadam se da će mi vrijeme malo sporije prolaziti. Jako se radujem novom tjednu. This week the aunts brought leaves. We distributed them in a circle, and the children felt them with their hands and played with them. In art therapy, we painted leaves and chestnuts. This week went by really fast for me. I am very used to working with these children and I don't know how it will be when all this is over. In any group that I came to, all the children always welcomed me nicely. Although sometimes it...
Prikazuju se postovi od listopad, 2022
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ZOE - FIRST DAYS I'm starting to settle in. I know my way around the city quite well by now, as well as the children. I have been doing Arts and Crafts with the kids for the last three weeks. Sadly, I got sick already on my 4th day of work, so I had to stay home over the rest of the week and also next Monday. As soon as I was better, I was really happy to go back to work and keep on getting used to my workplace, co-workers and the students. Last Tuesday, I had an English workshop. So I had two different classes. I was kind of nervous, but since I was prepared and the kids were motivated, everything was fine. I have never thought to be a teacher myself, but now I find myself very comfortable in this role and working with kids. I hope to do something similar back in Berlin. I'm still looking forward to settling into a routine even more and to learn and teach pottery. I find myself even doing arts and crafts on my own at home now. My mother would laugh if she'd seen me, becaus...
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ANTONIJA - NOVI TJEDNI U CENTTRU SLAVA RAŠKAJ Ovih nekoliko tjedana kako volontiram u Centru Slava Raškaj i koje provodim sa djecom, sve su mi više prirasla k srcu. Svaki novi tjedan učimo ponešto novo i susrećemo se sa pokojim izazovima. Jedan dan sam provela u grupi u kojoj inače nisam. Djeca su me jako lijepo dočekala i prihvatila. Počeli smo pjevati jesenske pjesmice i crtali lišće, žireve.. Ovaj tjedan smo i mijesili tijesto od kojeg smo radili ukrase koji će kasnije ići na bor. Igrali smo dosta društvenih igara i učili. Dani sa njima mi jako brzo prolaze. Tek dođem i već idemo doma. Veselim se svakom novom tjednu koji ću provesti sa djecom i već jedva čekam novi tjedan. These few weeks that I am volunteering at the Slava Raškaj Center and that I spend with the children have become more and more dear to my heart. Every new week we learn something new and face some challenges. I spent one day in a group I'm not normally in. The children welcomed and accepted me very nicely. We...
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NOVA VOLONTERKA - ZOE My Name is Zoë, I'm 19 years old and I heard about Slava Raskaj school and the "unstoppaple project" from my friend Anni. I knew that she was volunteering in Croatia and in the first two weeks she started working, she send me and our friends a bunch of pictures of Zagreb and told us about her time. Finally, I decidet to visit her in Zagreb, because I've never been to Croatia. In the few days I had emidiately fell in love with the city, the parks, the achitecture and the people. Anni showed me as much as possible in a day. She then told me that there might still be a free spot in the Programm. Since I've always loved working with children and everything surrounding arts and crafts, the position sounded more than fitting for me. So I spontaniously decidet, that I wanted to stay. Nevermind the clothes and stuff I packed where rarely enough for a week, I called my parents and they where excidet for me as well. The next day, I visited the school...
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My first weeks at Centre Slava Raskaj My stay at Slava Raskaj and in Zagreb has been very fulfilling so far. I feel very welcome and as if I have a lot of possibilities of what to do with the students. I often go to classes and make Drama Workshops with them. Back in Berlin, I have gone to acting class since I am 13 years old and last year, I did an improv class at a school. Knowing what a great way it can be to creatively express yourself and how much fun it is. I want to introduce the pupils to drama. I also spend some...
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ANTONIJA – IZAZOVI PRVIH TJEDANA Prošli tjedan sam išla na razne terapije sa djecom i tetom. Gledala sam ih na likovnoj terapiji dok su slikali, farbali i lijepili. Tu i tamo im uskačemo i usmjeravamo ih. Išli smo i na kineziološku terapiju. Dosta djece ju obožava i jedva čekaju ići na nju. Isto tako ne mogu dočekati da odu na glazbenu terapiju koja je meni jedna čak i od dražih. Gdje pjevamo, plešemo.. Jako volim vidjeti njihove osmjehe na licima tokom glazbene terapije. Neki dani su nam bili malo izazovniji, a neki ne. Jedan od dražih trenutaka mi je bio kada mi je jedan dečkić zaspao u naručju. Bilo mi ga je jako teško ispustiti iz naručja, ali morala sam jer je postajao sve teži i teži. Ima par djece koja se jako vole igrati sa mojom kosom iako ja baš to i ne volim, ali njima dopustim jer kada me pogledaju svojim slatkim okicama nikako im ne mogu reći ne. Jedva čekam da se opet družimo i vidimo idući tjedan. CHALLENGES OF THE FIRST WEEKS Last week I we...
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IMAN - PRVI DAN VOLONTIRANJA Bio je to sasvim jedan običan ponedjeljak, kiša je padala i sve je bilo tako tmurno. Ušla sam u zgradu, popela se na 2. kat i ugledala nekoliko nasmiješenih lica koji su provodili svoje slobodno vrijeme u učionici i pitali se tko sam ja. Spomenula sam kako ljudi uvijek misle da sam mlađa pa tako su i oni mislili. Čula sam da je neki dečko pitao prijateljicu: “Tko je ona? Je li to nova učenica?” Nasmiješila sam se i krenula prema uredu gospođe i socijalne radnice Brigite Jerić. Tamo me dočekala i ljubazna gospođica Sara Pavlić, koja se stvarno potrudila da nam svima bude ugodno. Pričekala sam svoju kolegicu Doroteu i skupa smo krenule prema 3.d razredu. Iskreno, imala sam malu tremu i nisam znala što mogu očekivati i hoće li me učenici dobro prihvatiti, no prošlo je super. Na početku, kolegica Dorotea i ja predstavile smo se i krenule prezentirati naš projekt. Pričali smo o životopisu, odnosno digitalnom životopisu kojim ćemo se bavit sljedećih par mjes...