Prošli tjedan sam išla na razne terapije sa djecom i tetom. Gledala sam ih na likovnoj terapiji dok su slikali, farbali i lijepili. Tu i tamo im uskačemo i usmjeravamo ih. Išli smo i na kineziološku terapiju. Dosta djece ju obožava i jedva čekaju ići na nju. Isto tako ne mogu dočekati da odu na glazbenu terapiju koja je meni jedna čak i od dražih. Gdje pjevamo, plešemo.. Jako volim vidjeti njihove osmjehe na licima tokom glazbene terapije. Neki dani su nam bili malo izazovniji, a neki ne. Jedan od dražih trenutaka mi je bio kada mi je jedan dečkić zaspao u naručju. Bilo mi ga je jako teško ispustiti iz naručja, ali morala sam jer je postajao sve teži i teži. Ima par djece koja se jako vole igrati sa mojom kosom iako ja baš to i ne volim, ali njima dopustim jer kada me pogledaju svojim slatkim okicama nikako im ne mogu reći ne. Jedva čekam da se opet družimo i vidimo idući tjedan.




Last week I went to various therapies with children and aunt. I watched them in art therapy while they painted, painted and pasted. Here and there we jump in and guide them. We also went to kinesiological therapy. Many children love it and can't wait to go to it. I also can't wait for them to go to music therapy, which is one of my favorites. Where we sing, dance... I really like to see the smiles on their faces during music therapy. Some days were a little more challenging for us, and some were not. One of my favorite moments was when a little boy fell asleep in my arms. It was very difficult to let him go from my arms, but I had to because he was getting heavier and heavier. There are a couple of children who really like to play with my hair, even though I don't really like it, but I let them because when they look at me with their cute eyes, I can't say no. I can't wait to hang out again and see you next week.


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