Novi Vinodolski maturalno putovanje
Novi Vinodolski
Konačno je došao dugo iščekivani petak i rano ujutro smokrenuli na maturalnu ekskurziju. Maturanti su bili veomauzbuđeni i skoro tri sata vožnje, koliko traje vožnja do NovogVinodolskog, su pjevali uglas i veselili se. Srećom, u NovomVinodolskom dočekalo nas je lijepo vrijeme i to smo iskoristili iprošetali gradom i popili kavu.
U 13h smo se smjestili u naše sobe. Naravno, bilo je raznih željatko s kim želi biti u sobi i sve smo uspjeli ostvariti. Sobe suimale čak po 6 kreveta, pa nam je bilo lako rasporediti učenikeprema njihovim željama. Nakon toga smo ručali, a naši kuhari islastičari su bili veoma zadovoljni i nisu našli nijednu zamjerkujelima. Svi smo jedva čekali da se okupimo i zajedno idemo naplažu. Neke smo trebali stalno opominjati da se namažukremama za sunčanje, jer su oni to zaboravili od silnoguzbuđenja.
Konačno more! Voda je bila pomalo hladna, ali učenicima to nije smetalo. Neki su bili veoma hrabri i odvažni, pa su odplivalido platforme za skakanje i pokazali nam svoje umijeće skakanjai plivanja. Naše učenice su među prvima napustile vodu i plažu, jer šminka i frizure se neće same od sebe napraviti. Svi smo biliuzbuđeni zbog svečane večere i jedva smo čekali da vidimojedni druge u našim najboljim i najljepšim izdanjima. Napravilismo i par fotkica da ovjekovječimo te predivne trenutke. Nakonslikanja iz milion uglova, zajedno smo zaplesali. Neki su bilipomalo stidni, ali smo se lijepo zabavili. Nedugo zatim smo se uputili u obližnji kafić i uživali u koktelima. Dogovor je bio da se vratimo u 00:30h u naše sobe, što su učenici i ispoštovali.
Sljedećeg dana na doručku smo sumirali naše utiske odprethodne noći. Saznali smo da neki učenici nisu spavali, ali to nije problem, jer su svi bili mirni i tokom noći nije bilo nikakvepotrebe da profesori intervenišu. Nakon doručka smo spakovalisvoje stvari, smjestili ih u autobus i imali smo 5 sati slobodnogvremena do povratka u Zagreb. Neki su se odlučili da jošuživaju u moru i kupaju se, neki su se sunčali, a neki šetaligradom i uživali u divnom vremenu i atmosferi koja je vladala. U 16:30 smo krenuli za Zagreb i ovaj put, učenici su bili pomaloumorni, pa nisu toliko pjevali. Pomalo izmoreni, stigli smo u Zagreb i pozdravili se do ponedjeljka. Ovo je bilo predivnoputovanje prepuno trenutaka, koje ćemo svi, posebno učenici, dugo pamtiti i prepričavati.
Novi Vinodolski – report
Finally, the long-awaited Friday came and early in the morning we went on the graduation excursion. The students were very excited and for almost three hours, which is how long the drive to Novi Vinodolski, they sang in unison and were happy. Fortunately, we were greeted by nice weather in Novi Vinodolski, and we took advantage of that to walk around town and drink coffee.
At 1:00 p.m., we settled in our rooms. Of course, there were various wishes of who wanted to be in the room with whom, and we managed to make everything come true. The rooms had as many as 6 beds each, so it was easy for us to arrange the students according to their wishes. After that, we had lunch, and our chefs and pastry chefs were very satisfied and did not find any fault with the dishes. We all couldn't wait to get together and go to the beach together. We had to constantly remind some of them to put on sunscreen, because they forgot it because of the great excitement.
Finally, the sea! The water was a bit cold, but the students didn't mind. Some were very brave and daring, so they swam to the diving platform and showed us their jumping and swimming skills. Our female students were among the first to leave the water and the beach, because makeup and hairstyles will not be done by themselves. We were all excited for the gala dinner and couldn't wait to see each other in our best and most beautiful editions. We also took a couple of photos to remember those wonderful moments. After taking pictures from a million angles, we danced together. Some were a bit shy, but we had a lot of fun. Not long after, we headed to a nearby cafe and enjoyed cocktails. The agreement was to return to our rooms at 00:30, which the students respected.
The next day, at breakfast, we summarized our impressions from the previous night. We found out that some students did not sleep, but that is not a problem, because everyone was calm and during the night there was no need for the professors to intervene. After breakfast, we packed our things, put them on the bus and had 5 hours of free time before returning to Zagreb. Some decided to enjoy the sea and swim, some sunbathed, and some walked around the city and enjoyed the wonderful weather and atmosphere that prevailed. At 16:30 we left for Zagreb and this time, the students were a bit tired, so they didn't sing that much. A bit tired, we arrived in Zagreb and parted ways until Monday. This was a wonderful trip and there were many moments that all of us, especially the students, will remember and recount for a long time.
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