Prvi Dio moga volontiranja
Prvi dio mog volontiranja - Nejra Bičo
Dan za danom, mjesec za mjesecom i prvi dio mog volontiranjaje gotov. Bila su ovo nevjerovatna 3 mjeseca u mom životu i jošne mogu da vjerujem da je sve tako brzo prošlo. Sjećam se prvog dana, kada sam došla u školu i kada mi je sve bilo čudno ineobično. Nisam ni slutila da ću se toliko vezati za učenike i da će mi oni nedostajati. Već odlaskom maturanata, škola mi je djelovala neobično bez graje i buke, a sada kada sam se vratilasvojoj kući, često pogledam u sat i pomislim da bih sad bila u školi i nekome pomagala da nauči gradivo.
Neki učenici su me pitali da li ću ostati u školi da radim i da li ćemo se vidjeti u septembru. Veoma mi je drago što sam i ja njima prirasla srcu i jedva čekam da ih opet vidim u narednojškolskoj godini. Predstoji mi još mnogo dana rada sa učenicimai uopšte ne želim razmišljati o kraju i završetku projekta. Prednama je sada raspust i svima želim da se što bolje odmore izabave i da u septembru svi zajedno krenemo u nove školskepobjede.
The first part of my volunteering
Day after day, month after month and the first part of my volunteering is over. It's been an incredible 3 months in my life and I still can't believe it all went by so fast. I remember the first day, when I came to school and when everything was strange and unusual. I had no idea that I would become so attached to the students and that I would miss them. Already with the departure of the graduates, the school seemed strange to me without the noise and noise, and now that I have returned to my home, I often look at the clock and think that right now I would be at school helping someone learn the material.
Some students asked me if I will stay at school to work and if we will see each other in September. I am very glad that I have become close to their hearts and I can't wait to see them again in the next school year. I still have many days of work with the students ahead of me and I don't want to think about the end and completion of the project at all. The holidays are now upon us, and I wish everyone to have as much rest and fun as possible, and that in September we will all embark on new school victories together.
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