My Name is Zoë, I'm 19 years old and I heard about Slava Raskaj school and the "unstoppaple project" from my friend Anni.

I knew that she was volunteering in Croatia and in the first two weeks she started working, she send me and our friends a bunch of pictures of Zagreb and told us about her time.
Finally, I decidet to visit her in Zagreb, because I've never been to Croatia. In the few days I had emidiately fell in love with the city, the parks, the achitecture and the people. Anni showed me as much as possible in a day.

She then told me that there might still be a free spot in the Programm. Since I've always loved working with children and everything surrounding arts and crafts, the position sounded more than fitting for me.
So I spontaniously decidet, that I wanted to stay. Nevermind the clothes and stuff I packed where rarely enough for a week, I called my parents and they where excidet for me as well. 
The next day, I visited the school, had my interview and luckily, everything worked out.

I canceled my trainticket back to Berlin and my short vacation in Zagreb developed itself to me staying and volunteering at Slava Raskaj school for about three more months.
I still feel so lucky to have the chance to stay, work with the children at the school and get to know Zagreb and its people even more. 


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