Ovih nekoliko tjedana kako volontiram u Centru Slava Raškaj i koje provodim sa djecom, sve su mi više prirasla k srcu. Svaki novi tjedan učimo ponešto novo i susrećemo se sa pokojim izazovima. Jedan dan sam provela u grupi u kojoj inače nisam. Djeca su me jako lijepo dočekala i prihvatila. Počeli smo pjevati jesenske pjesmice i crtali lišće, žireve.. Ovaj tjedan smo i mijesili tijesto od kojeg smo radili ukrase koji će kasnije ići na bor. Igrali smo dosta društvenih igara i učili. Dani sa njima mi jako brzo prolaze. Tek dođem i već idemo doma. Veselim se svakom novom tjednu koji ću provesti sa djecom i već jedva čekam novi tjedan.

These few weeks that I am volunteering at the Slava Raškaj Center and that I spend with the children have become more and more dear to my heart. Every new week we learn something new and face some challenges. I spent one day in a group I'm not normally in. The children welcomed and accepted me very nicely. We started singing autumn songs and drawing leaves, acorns... This week we also kneaded the dough from which we made decorations that will later go on the pine tree. We played a lot of board games and studied. My days with them go by very quickly. I'll just come and we're already going home. I look forward to every new week that I will spend with the children and I can't wait for the new week.


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