Ovaj tjedan su tete donijele lišće. Dijelili smo ih u krug,  a djeca su ih svojim ručicama opipavali i igrali se sa njima. Na likovnoj terapiji smo farbali lišće i kestenje. Ovaj tjedan mi je jako brzo prošao. Jako sam se naviknula na rad sa tom djecom i ne znam kako će to biti kada sve ovo završi. U bilo koju grupu da sam došla sva djeca su me uvijek lijepo primila. Iako nekada zna biti malo zahtjevnije, ne znam što bih da nisam tamo. Djeca su mi jako prirasla k srcu. I nadam se da će mi vrijeme malo sporije prolaziti. Jako se radujem novom tjednu.

This week the aunts brought leaves. We distributed them in a circle, and the children felt them with their hands and played with them. In art therapy, we painted leaves and chestnuts. This week went by really fast for me. I am very used to working with these children and I don't know how it will be when all this is over. In any group that I came to, all the children always welcomed me nicely. Although sometimes it can be a bit more demanding, I don't know what I would do if I wasn't there. Children are very close to my heart. And I hope that my time will pass a little slower. I am very much looking forward to the new week.


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