Županijska smotra učeničkih zadruga Zagreb 2.6.2023.

 Županijska smotra učeničkih Zadruga Zagreb 2.6. 2023. 

Petak 2.6. 2023. Na Zrinjevcu bili smo s naših učenicima na Smotri učeničkih zadruga. 

U 9 smo već bili na radnom mjestu i počeli pripremati štand sa našim proizvodima. 

Naši učenici i njihova Zadruga Slavuj ovaj put su imali dječje pregače i keramičke šalice koje su radili i predstavili na svojem štandu. 

Posto je škola Zero Waste friendly pregače su bile od čistog prirodnog materijala i salice su imale cvijeće posađeno kako bi se sto bolje prikazao Zero Waste duh škole. 

Naše učenice bile su sjajne i uspjele su prodati dovoljno pregača i šalica kako bi podržale svoju zadrugu i zaradile za kavu. 

Veselimo se sljedećem susretu zadruga i nadamo se kako će naši učenici imati sto bolje rezultate. 

County review of student cooperatives Zagreb 2.6. in 2023 Friday 2.6. In 2023, in Zrinjevac, we were with our students at the Student Cooperative Fair. At 9 we were already at the workplace and started preparing the stand with our products. This time, our students and their Zadruga Slavuj had children's aprons and ceramic mugs that they made and presented at their stand. Since the school is Zero Waste friendly, the aprons were made of pure natural material and the tables had flowers planted in order to better show the Zero Waste spirit of the school. Our students did great and managed to sell enough aprons and mugs to support their co-op and earn money for coffee. We are looking forward to the next meeting of the cooperatives and hope that our students will have better results.


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