Biserko Ignac ESS volonter ❤️
Biserko Ignac ESS volonter
Biserko Ignac je naš ESS volonter koji je upravo završio svoja 4 mjeseca volontiranja u COO Slave Raškaj.
Biserko je drag i miran dečko koji je osoba s oštećenjem sluha. Njegov posao kao volonter u COO Slave Raškaj bio je kako on opisuje vrlo zabavan i zahtjevan. Biserko je radio sa malom djecom, pomagao im učiti (pogotovo zato sto je dosta njih također s oštećenjem sluha), vodio ih na ručak, na igranje, na tjelesni i razne druge aktivnosti. Biserko je živio sam 3 mjeseca u stanu koji mu je COO Slave Raškaj omogućila te nakon toga zajedno mjesec dana sa novom volonterkom Nejrom iz Bosne.
Nakon sjajna 4 mjeseca Biserko je pomoću našeg Centra i ESS iskustva našao sezonski posao na moru. Želimo mu svu sreću u budućnosti i uživanje na moru. Biserko je snimio sa nama video koji možete pogledati na linku ispod.
Biserko Ignac ESS volunteer Biserko Ignac is our ESS volunteer who just finished his 4 months of volunteering at COO Slave Raškaj. Biserko is a sweet and calm boy who is hearing impaired. His job as a volunteer at COO Slave Raškaj was, as he describes, very fun and demanding. Biserko worked with small children, helped them learn (especially since many of them are also hearing impaired), took them to lunch, to play, to physical education and various other activities. Biserko lived alone for 3 months in the apartment that COO Slave Raškaj provided for him, and after that he lived together for a month with a new volunteer Nejra from Bosnia. After a great 4 months, Biserko found a seasonal job at sea with the help of our Center and ESS experience. We wish him all the luck in the future and enjoy the sea. Biserko recorded a video with us that you can watch on a link below.
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