World Skills Croatia 2023.
Prvo na red je došlo snimanje videa za naše učenice koje su se prijavile na natjecanje World Skills Croatia 2023. Video smo snimili, kolač napravili i naš video poslali.
Nakon čekanja par tjedana naš trud se isplatio i od svih škola koje su se prijavile naša Slava Raškaj bila je u finalu među prvih 5 škola. Iako nismo ušli u prve 3 škole koje su išle dalje sretni smo i zadovoljni našim rezultatom. Učenice i profesorica obavili su sjajan posao te se nadamo kako će sljedeće godine naša škola ići još dalje. Čestitamo curama i veselimo se sljedecim pobjedama.
After our visit to the ESS Salto meeting in Travnje, we set out for new victories. The first step was to record a video for our students who applied for the World Skills Croatia 2023 competition. We recorded the video, made the cake and sent our video. After waiting for a couple of weeks, our efforts paid off and out of all the schools that applied, our Slava Raškaj was in the final among the first 5 schools. Although we did not enter the first 3 schools that went on, we are happy and satisfied with our result. The students and teachers did a great job, and we hope that next year our school will go even further. We congratulate the girls and look forward to the next victories.
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