Moji prvi dani volontiranja u Centru Slave Raškaj

 Moji prvi dani volontiranja u Centru Slave Raškaj


Nakon dugog čekanjanapokon sam stigla u Zagreb. U stanu me je dočekao Biserkomoj cimerSve mi je lijepo objasnio i većprvi dan smo zajedno prošetali Zagrebom i pokazao mi je nekeod najvažnijih znamenitosti grada. Grad je prelijep i jedvačekam malo ljepše i toplije vrijeme kako bih mogla što višešetati i istraživati grad.
Ponedjeljak je bio prvi dan mog volontiranja i ja sam se većuspjela izgubiti u graduNaimezajedno sam sa Biserkom otišlado osnovne škole gdje on volontira, a zapravo sam trebala otići u srednju školukoja se nalazi u drugom dijelu grada i tu je počelamoja prva avantura u nepoznatom graduNisam imala interneta, pa sam pitala prolaznike koji su me veoma ljubazno uputili namoju destinacijuNakon par propuštenih stanica i dosta hodanjakonačno sam stigla u školu i tamo upoznala osoblje i nekeučenikeBilo je veoma haotičnonisam znala ko je ko, niti gdjese šta nalazisvi su djelovali nekako zauzeto i užurbanoZapravo, ja sam taj dan imala tremu, pa mi je sve to takodjelovaloali sam već sljedećeg dana uvidjela da je škola poputkošnice gdje svi marljivo rade za dobrobit djece
Imala sam priliku da vidim kako profesorice rade sa djecomindividualno i pomažu im savladati gradivo i bilo mi je bašdrago vidjeti da djeca imaju prijateljski odnos sa svima. Sa pedagogicom sam učestvovala u jednoj radionici gdje sampomagala učenicama da smisle nastavak ili kraj priče koju sučuliImala sam malu tremujer prvi put me vide i pitala sam se kako će reagovatiali djevojčice su me lijepo prihvatile i aktivnoučestvovale u kreiranju pričeNeki učenici su mi se obraćali sa"nastavnicei pitali me koji ću im predmet predavati. To mi je bilo baš neobično i smiješnojer nisam navikla da budem u takvoj uloziali bilo je i veoma lijepo i osjećala sam se bašispunjeno i sretno
Pred nama je sad slobodna sedmica, a ja jedva čekam da se vratimo u školu i da radimo i družimo se.




My first days of volunteering at the Slave Raškaj Center


After a long wait, I finally arrived in Zagreb. Biserko, my roommate, welcomed me in the apartment. He nicely explained everything to me and we already on the first day of my arrival walked around Zagreb together and he showed me some of the most important sights of the city. The city is very beautiful and I can't wait for a bit nicer and warmer weather so that I can walk and explore the city as much as possible.

Monday was the first day of my volunteering and I already managed to get lost in the city. Namely, together with Biserko, I went to the elementary school where he volunteers, but I was actually supposed to go to the high school, which is located in another part of the city, and that's where my first adventure in an unknown city began. I didn't have access to internet, so I asked passers-by who very kindly directed me to my destination. After a couple of missed stops and a lot of walking, I finally arrived at the school and met the staff and some students there. It was very chaotic, I didn't know who was who, or where anything was, everyone seemed somehow busy and in a hurry. Actually, I was very nervous that day, so it all seemed like that to me, but the very next day I saw that the school is like a beehive where everyone works diligently for the benefit of the children.

I had the opportunity to see how the teachers work with the children individually and help them master the material, and I was very happy to see that the children have a friendly relationship with everyone. I participated in a workshop with the teacher, where I helped the students to come up with a continuation or an ending to the story they had heard. I was nervous, because it was the first time they saw me and I wondered how they would react, but the girls accepted me nicely and actively participated in creating the story. Some students addressed me as "professor" and asked me which subject I would teach them. That was very unusual and funny for me, because I'm not used to being in such a role, but it was also very nice and I felt really fulfilled and happy. 

We now have a week off, and I can't wait to go back to school and work and hang out.


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