U ovome tjednu smo pričali o sigurnosti, kome djeca mogu vjerovati, a kome ne. Izrezivala sam likove kako bi djeca mogla spajati te sličice i odraditi zadatak. Sa lakoćom su sve povezali koga zovemo ako se izgubimo, ako se ozlijedimo ili ako nastane požar itd. Nakon što su odgovorili na pitanja morali su te iste likove zalijepiti na papir. Neki tjedan mi zna biti malo zahtjevniji nego drugi, ali ovaj tjedan je prošao sa lakoćom. Djeca se svako jutro vesele kada ulazim u sobu i pozdravljaju me. Ovaj tjedan na glazbenoj terapiji učitelj je donio novi instrument koji su djeca jedva čekala da isprobaju. Izrezivali smo i opremu od doktora i lijepili. Učili smo koja je to doktorova oprema, jako puno su znali. Tjedan mi je jako brzo prošao i već se veselim novom.


This week we talked about safety, who children can trust and who they can't. I cut out the characters so that the children could connect these images and complete the task. They easily connected everyone who we call if we get lost, if we get hurt or if there is a fire, etc. After they answered the questions, they had to stick those same characters on paper. Some weeks can be a little more demanding than others, but this week went by with ease. The children are happy every morning when I enter the room and greet me. This week in music therapy, the teacher brought a new instrument that the children couldn't wait to try. We also cut out equipment from the doctor and glued it. We learned what the doctor's equipment was, they knew a lot. My week went by very quickly and I'm already looking forward to the new one. 


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