Bok svima, u potrazi za novim kandidatima za digitalni životopis, naišla sam na dvije kuharice. To su Erna i Iva. Obje idu u drugi razred srednje škole, smjer kuhar. Erna odrađuje svoju stručnu praksu u poznatom zagrebačkom hotelu „Sheraton“, dok Iva svoju stručnu praksu odrađuje u također poznatom hotelu „International“. Kažu da im na praksi zna biti vrlo izazovno, ali da su svašta novo naučile, kao i ja od njih da postoji benedikt sendvič od jaja. U slobodno vrijeme obje vole biti tjelesno aktivne. Dok Erna voli trčati i vježbati, Iva pleše. Iva je također, nastupala na božićnoj priredbi škole. Uče engleski i francuski, a kako kažu to znanje bi voljele primijeniti jednog dana u nekom restoranu na morskoj obali za vrijeme ljetne sezone. Držimo fige ovim dragim, pristojnim i talentiranim curama. Sljedeći tjedan odlazim u njihove hotele, gdje one odrađuju svoju stručnu praksu i iskreno jedva čekam vam otkriti kako sve funkcionira u tako poznatim hotelima. Dojmove javljam uskoro, bye.

Vaša volonterka Iman


Hi everyone, in my search for new candidates for a digital CV, I came across two cooks. These are Erna and Iva. Both are in the second grade of high school, majoring in cooking. Erna does her practice at the well-known Zagreb Hotel "Sheraton", while Iva does her practice at the also well-known Hotel "International". They say that the practice can be very challenging for them, but that they learned all kinds of new things, as I did from them that there is an egg benedict sandwich. In their free time, both like to be physically active. While Erna likes to run and exercise, Iva dances. Iva also performed at the school's Christmas performance. They are learning English and French, and as they say they would like to apply that knowledge one day in a restaurant on the seacoast during the summer season. We keep our fingers crossed for these lovely, polite and talented girls. Next week I'm going to their hotels, where they do their professional practice, and honestly, I can't wait to reveal to you how everything works in such famous hotels. I'll report my impressions soon, bye.

Your volunteer Iman


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