Bok svima,
danas na red nam je došla naša Ana, kuharica. Osim što kuha, Ana i pleše.
Sjećate se? Spomenula sam je u blogu o našem božićnom nastupu. Ana je učenica
drugog razreda srednje škole, smjera pomoćni kuhar i slastičar. Svoju praksu
odrađuje u Pivovari „Medvedgrad“. Ana je uvijek nasmijana i vesela. Jako je
lijepo biti u njenom društvu. Pričala mi je o sebi i razgovarale smo o njenim
očekivanjima digitalnog životopisa. Također, otkrila mi je da zna dobro ispeći
palačinke, a ostale kuharske vještine moći ćete uskoro vidjeti u njenom
digitalnom životopisu. Za sebe kaže da je marljiva, društvena i odgovorna, a u
budućnosti bi voljela raditi u nekom poznatom hotelu. U želji da joj se svi
snovi ostvare, pozdravljam vas i pišem uskoro opet.
Vaša volonterka Iman
Hi everyone, today it's turn to our cook Ana. Apart
from cooking, Ana also dances. Do you remember? I mentioned her in the blog
about our Christmas performance. Ana is a student in the second year of high
school, studying assistant cook and pastry chef. He does his practice at
Pivovara "Medvedgrad". Ana is always smiling and cheerful. It is very
nice to be in her company. She told me about herself, and we talked about her
expectations of a digital CV. Also, she revealed to me that she knows how to
bake pancakes well, and you will be able to see other cooking skills in her
digital CV soon. She describes herself as hardworking, sociable, and
responsible, and in the future, she would like to work in a well-known hotel.
Wishing that all her dreams come true, I greet you and write again soon.
Your volunteer Iman
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