Povratak sa praznika

Nakon praznika vratila sam se u centar. Nakon što smo se svi ujutro okupili i pozdravili, djeca su nam pričala što su radila tokom praznika i kako im je bilo. Tjedan smo započeli tako što smo radili oblike. Igrali smo društvene igre kako bi djeca naučila što bolje pratiti pravila tokom igre. Pričali smo i jednu priču o pingvinima kako bi se djeca što više mogla skoncentrirati. Nakon svih zadataka koje smo prošli smo se igrali sa novim igračkama koje su ih dočekale kada su se vratili i nastavili smo pričati o praznicima. Djeca su jako sretna što su se vratili u centar. Radujem se idućem tjednu i našem ponovnom druženju.

Back from holidays

After the holidays, I returned to the center. After we all gathered in the morning and greeted each other, the children told us what they did during the holidays and how they were doing. We started the week by doing shapes. We played social games so that the children could learn to follow the rules as best as possible during the game. We also told a story about penguins so that the children could concentrate as much as possible. After all the tasks we completed, we played with the new toys that greeted them when they returned and we continued talking about the holidays. The children are very happy to be back at the center. I'm looking forward to next week and our reunion.


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