LTT aktivnost projekta Zero Waste Catering Lab u Zagrebu 23.1-27.1.2023.
Dan prvi u Zero Waste Catering Lab
Početak prvog dana snimanja bio
je zanimljiv, koliko god sam htjela da dođem na vrijeme to same vremenske
prilike nisu htjele. Pada kiša, puše jaki sjeverni vjetar, nitko ne zna voziti
i ja kasnim.
Prije nego smo počeli dobili smo
kavu i hranu da se malo opustimo. Svi su veseli i imaju želju za snimanjem.
Zanimljivo je gledati kako se svi dobro slažu. Kreće snimanje, prvo su na redu
Slovenski učenici koji su putovali iz Celja do nas kako bi podijelili svoje
recepte, snimali i malo se družili s našim sudionicima projekta.
Zero Waste projekt se čini
zanimljiv pa smo pitali Luku da nam kaže više o tome. Luka nam je objasnio kako
je sretan da može pomoći životinjama i ljudima s time da manje baca smeća dok
kuha. Njegov recept će biti orzoto s vrganjima, i namjerava umjesto plastike
sve koristiti u drugim spremnicima poput staklenih posuda kako bi koristio što
manje plastičnih spremnika koji uništavaju okoliš. Iako Luka nije toliko
siguran hoće li pomoći odmah tako ljudima, čini se kako je sretan da možda može
barem sam pomoći prirodi i ljudima kako bi buduće generacije imale mirniji
Nakon što su naši prijatelji iz
Slovenije svoje recepte snimili, na red je došla Viktorija. Radila je košarice
punjene kremom. Uz Viktoriju tu su bili Sandy naš glavni Chef koji je pomogao u
kuhanju te Viktorijina prijateljica Sebahat. Bile su jako nervozne prije
snimanja, tijekom kuhanja su se opustile i uživale u zajedničkom radu, kamere
su bile zaboravljene.
Dok je Viktorija sa Sandyem
snimala svoj recept, Sebahat i ja smo na strani pričale. Pitala sam ju da malo
kaže o sebi, receptu koji će raditi i o tome što misli o Zero Waste projektu i
kako može Zero Waste iskoristiti u svojem kuhanju.
Sebahat mi kaže kako joj se Zero
Waste projekt sviđa, jer ostaje manje količine otpada nakon kuhanja. Čini mi se
kako je čak i ovako mlada osoba već svjesna toga da prvo krećemo od sebe i
svojih ostataka. Voli kuhati što ju opušta i zanimljiv joj je cijeli proces
kuhanja. Njezin recept će biti Popečci (vegetarijanska i zdrava verzija sa
krumpirom i špinatom). Radila ga je već nekoliko puta i naglasila je kako je
fino ali dosta komplicirano za raditi, što ju čini nervoznom jer će to sada
morati raditi i pred kamerama. No i uz sav taj strah čini mi se kako je uzbuđena
i jedva čeka pokazati svoje znanje i kreativnost u kuhinji.
Prvi dan snimanja prošao je tako brzo
da nisam stigla ni shvatiti što radimo u ovako kratkom vremenu, no dok pišem
sada ovaj članak došlo mi je do glave kako radimo nešto jako važno. Očuvanje
našeg planeta leži u rukama i receptima ovih mladih ljudi koji će buduće
naraštaje naučiti važnosti kuhanja sa što manje otpada. Veselimo se sljedećem
danu snimanja i avanturama koje slijede.
The beginning of the first day of shooting was interesting, as much as I wanted
to be on time, the weather itself did not want it. It's raining, there's a
strong north wind, nobody knows how to drive and I'm running late.
Before we started, we got coffee and food to relax. Everyone is happy and
eager to shoot. It's interesting to see how well everyone gets along. The
recording starts, the first turn is the Slovenian students who traveled from
Celje to us to share their recipes, record and socialize a bit with our project
The Zero Waste project seems interesting, so we asked Luka to tell us more
about it. Luka explained to us how happy he is to be able to help animals and
people by throwing less garbage while cooking. His recipe will be orzoto with
porcini mushrooms, and he intends to use everything in other containers such as
glass containers instead of plastic in order to use as few plastic containers
as possible that destroy the environment. Although Luka is not so sure if he
will help people right away, he seems happy that maybe he can at least help
nature and people himself so that future generations will have a more peaceful
After our friends from Slovenia recorded their recipes, it was Viktorija's
turn. She made baskets filled with cream. Along with Viktorija, Sandy, our head
chef, who helped with cooking, and Viktorija's friend Sebahat were there. They
were very nervous before filming, while cooking they relaxed and enjoyed
working together, the cameras were forgotten.
While Viktorija was recording her recipe with Sandy, Sebahat and I were
talking on the side. I asked her to tell a little about herself, the recipe she
will be making and what she thinks about the Zero Waste project and how she can
use Zero Waste in her cooking.
Sebahat tells me that she likes the Zero Waste project, because there is
less waste left after cooking. It seems to me that even such a young person is
already aware that we start from ourselves and our remains first. She likes to
cook, which relaxes her, and she finds the whole cooking process interesting.
Her recipe will be Popečci (vegetarian and healthy version with potatoes and
spinach). She has already done it several times and emphasized that it is nice
but quite complicated to do, which makes her nervous because now she will have
to do it in front of the cameras. But even with all that fear, it seems to me
that she is excited and can't wait to show her knowledge and creativity in the
The first day of filming passed so quickly that I didn't even realize what
we were doing in such a short time, but while I'm writing this article now, it
occurred to me that we are doing something very important. The preservation of
our planet lies in the hands and recipes of these young people who will teach
future generations the importance of cooking with as little waste as possible.
We look forward to the next day of filming and the adventures that follow.
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