U ovom
tjednu nastavili smo sa temom zime. Pričali smo nove priče o zimi i pingvinima.
Čak nam je i snijeg padao ovaj tjedan, ali nažalost nije puno. Imali smo i novi
zadatak. Radili smo pingvine od papirnatih čaša. Djeci je to bilo jako zanimljivo.
Farbali smo ih i lijepili im noge i krila. Išli smo na terapije gdje smo radili
nove stvari. Na kineziološkoj terapiji smo imali novi poligon. A na likovnoj
terapiji smo lijepili komadiće papira kako bi napravili medvjeda. Ovaj tjedan
smo cijedili i naranče. Svi su trebali donijeti cjediljku i naranče. Neki
roditelji su donijeli više naranča u slučaju ako netko nije donio pa da se
podijeli onima koji nemaju. Nakon što su djeca iscijedila svoje naranče,
natočili smo sav iscijeđeni sok u čaše kako bi za vrijeme ručka mogli piti svoj
sok. Veselim se našem novom druženju i jedva čekam vidjeti što nas to čeka
idući tjedan.
This week we continued with the theme of winter. We told new stories about winter and penguins. We even had snow this week, but unfortunately not much. We also had a new task. We made penguins out of paper cups. It was very interesting for the children. We painted them and glued their legs and wings. We went to therapies where we did new things. At kinesiology therapy, we had a new training ground. And in art therapy, we glued pieces of paper to make a bear. This week we also squeezed oranges. Everyone should have brought a colander and oranges. Some parents brought more oranges in case someone didn't bring them so that they could be distributed to those who didn't have any. After the children squeezed their oranges, we poured all the squeezed juice into cups so that they could drink their juice during lunch. I'm looking forward to our new friendship and can't wait to see what next week has in store for us.
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