Pozdrav svima, evo mene opet. Nadam se da smo svi napunili baterije i da smo spremni za nove avanture jer ja jesam. Prije zimskih praznika odradila sam intervju s dvije simpatične učenice, a to su Nela i Nikolina. Po zanimanju su slastičarke i zajedno odrađuju stručnu praksu u poznatoj slastičarnici „Vincek“ gdje ću već u sljedećih nekoliko dana imati priliku posjetit ih i snimiti materijal za njihov digitalni životopis. Kao i uvijek, prvo smo se malo upoznale i ispunile su svoj životopis na papiru kako bi nam pomogao u izradi digitalnog. Cure su završni razred svoje srednje škole te se nadam da će im ovaj životopis ubrzo itekako koristiti. Obje su vrlo drage i simpatične i jako se veselim surađivati s njima i jedva čekam probati njihove slastice. Dojmove javljam u sljedećem blogu 😉 Do tada, želim vam slatki ugodan dan.

Vaša volonterka Iman


Hello everyone, here I am again. I hope we are all recharged and ready for new adventures because I am. Before the winter holidays, I did an interview with two lovely students, Nela and Nikolina. They are confectioners by profession and together they do professional practice in the famous confectionary "Vincek", where in the next few days I will have the opportunity to visit them and record material for their digital CV. As always, we first got to know each other a bit and they filled out their CV on paper to help us create a digital one. The girls are in their final year of high school, and I hope that these CVs will be very useful to them soon. They are both very kind and nice and I am really looking forward to working with them and can't wait to try their desserts. I will report my impressions in the next blog 😉 Until then, I wish you a sweet and pleasant day.

Your volunteer Iman


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