Advent u Zagrebu 

Kao i svake godine u Zagrebu se održava Advent i uvijek se volim prošetati gradom. Ove godine advent je puno ljepši i više ukrašen nego prošle godine. Od ljepših mjesta koje smatram da bi svi trebali posjetiti je klizalište Tomislavac, tunel Grič i Gornji grad. Klizalište je uvijek bilo puno pa se nažalost ove godine nisam išla klizati. Na Gornjem gradu je dosta često živa muzika i ima dosta štandova pa uz živu muziku možemo jesti i piti kuhano vino. Isto tako bi istaknula Zrinjevac koji je lijepo uređen i ima bogat program za djecu. Nudi se velika ponuda suvenira. Dok sam se šetala gradom osjećala sam se ugodno i iako je bilo hladno nije mi smetalo zbog velikog ugođaja. Nadam se da će svake godine Advent biti što ljepši i bolji i svakom bi preporučila da izdvoji malo vremena i prošeće gradom. Žao mi je što se Adventu bliži kraj, ali se već veselim idućem.

As every year, Advent takes place in Zagreb and I always like to walk around the city. This year, Advent is much more beautiful and more decorated than last year. Among the more beautiful places that I think everyone should visit is the Tomislavac ice rink, the Grič tunnel and Gornji grad. The rink was always full, so unfortunately I didn't go skating this year. In Gornji grad there is often live music and there are many stands, so we can eat and drink mulled wine with live music. She would also highlight Zrinjevac, which is beautifully decorated and has a rich program for children. A large selection of souvenirs is offered. While I was walking around the city, I felt comfortable and even though it was cold, it didn't bother me because of the great atmosphere. I hope that every year Advent will be as beautiful and better as possible and I would recommend everyone to set aside some time and walk around the city. I'm sorry that Advent is coming to an end, but I'm already looking forward to the next one.


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