Uzbudljivi novi tjedan

Cijeli tjedan smo se pripremali za priredbu. Naišli smo na male prepreke jer je dosta djece bilo bolesno taj tjedan. Nažalost nismo mogli održati predstavu, ali smo zato plesali. Tako da smo pripremali ples na pjesmu koju su tete izabrale. Svaki dan smo vježbali i pripremali se. Na dan priredbe svi smo bili jako uzbuđeni. Priredba je jako dobro prošla. Sve pripreme su se isplatile. Nakon što smo otplesali mogli smo ostati i nastaviti gledati ostale točke. Svi su se jako lijepo potrudili. Nakon priredbe smo djeci podijelili poklon pakete za Božić. A nakon toga još smo se malo ostali družiti pa smo išli doma. Bilo je lijepo vidjeti kako su djeca bila sretna taj dan.

We have been preparing for the show all week. We ran into a few obstacles because a lot of kids were sick that week. Unfortunately, we couldn't hold the show, but that's why we danced. So we were preparing a dance to the song that the aunts had chosen. We practiced and prepared every day. On the day of the performance, we were all very excited. The show went very well. All the preparations paid off. After we danced, we could stay and continue watching the other points. Everyone made a very nice effort. After the performance, we distributed Christmas gift packages to the children. And after that we stayed for a while to hang out and then we went home. It was nice to see how happy the children were that day.


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