Pozdrav svima, prije desetak dana u Centru za odgoj i obrazovanje „Slava Raškaj“ održala se
Božićna priredba na kojoj smo učenice iz plesne skupine škole i ja nastupale. Naši treninzi bi se
održavali svaku srijedu pod vodstvom naše trenerice Doroteje Jerić kojoj smo zahvalne na
uloženom trudu. Bilo je jako zabavno i predivno plesati s Ivanom, Viktorijom, Ivom, Anom,
Natalijom i Laurom. One su jako simpatične, pristojne i drage djevojke. Također, prije par
mjeseci smo isto imali nastup i moram priznati da uvijek vrlo rado prihvatim plesati i družiti se s
ovim divnim djevojkama. Došao je dan priredbe te smo se sve okupile u svlačionici naše škole i
počele se pripremati za naš nastup. Sve smo bile jako uzbuđene i jedna drugoj smo stavljale
božićne ukrase i kapice na glavu. Dok smo čekali naš nastup, u hodniku škole smo se kratko
zagrijale i probale par puta otplesati. Okinule smo i koju fotkicu prije samog nastupa (baci oko
na slikicu ispod.) I onda je došao taj trenutak našeg nastupa, prije samog nastupa Ivana mi je
šapnula da će joj srce iskočiti od treme, a Laura i ja smo je ohrabrile i rekle da će sve super proći
i neka uživa. I stvarno je tako i bilo, bilo je prezabavno i prebrzo nam je prošlo. I mislim da smo
svima pokazale koliko uživamo i koliko volimo plesati. Pitale smo našu dragu trenericu kako je
bilo, a ona nas je sve zagrlila i rekla da smo bile odlične. Jako smo joj zahvalne što nam je
omogućila ovaj nastup i zaista nam je bila čast plesati na Božićnoj priredbi. Nadam se da opet
plešemo skupa. Želim svima sretan Božić i sve najbolje u Novoj 2023. godini. I da radite ono što
volite kao i mi.
Vaša volonterka Iman
Hello everyone, ten days ago in the Center for Education "Slava Raškaj" there was a Christmas
performance where the students from the school's dance group and I danced. Our training
sessions were held every Wednesday under the leadership of our trainer Doroteja Jerić, to
whom we are grateful for her efforts. It was very fun and wonderful to dance with Ivana,
Viktorija, Iva, Ana, Natalija and Laura. They are very nice, polite and sweet girls. Also, a few
months ago we also had a performance, and I must admit that I am always very happy to dance
and hang out with these wonderful girls. The day of the performance came, and we all gathered
in the dressing room of our school and started preparing for our performance. We were all very
excited and put Christmas decorations and caps on each other's heads. While we were waiting
for our performance, we briefly warmed up in the school hallway and tried to dance a couple of
times. We also took some photos before the performance (look at the picture below). And then
came that moment of our performance, before the performance Ivana whispered to me that
her heart was going to jump out of fear, and Laura and I encouraged her and said that
everything will go well and enjoy it. And it really was, it was too much fun. And I think we
showed everyone how much we enjoy and how much we love to dance. We asked our dear
coach how it was, and she hugged us all and said that we did great. We are very grateful to her
for giving us opportunity to dance and it was truly an honor to dance at the Christmas
performance. I hope we dance together again. I wish everyone a Merry Christmas and all the
best in the New Year 2023. And to do what you love like we do.
Your volunteer Iman
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