Dear Readers,

Last week, we finally started making pottery. Since Christmas is getting closer, it was themed around the approaching holiday celebrations. So we formed Christmas Trees, Bells, Raindeers and Tree Ornaments. With a little practice and trying out, the results got better and better and the children were very motivated. A few seemd to have a secret Talent for Art and pottery. Soon, we'll Start painting the results. I am very excited abaut their outcome.
When they're ready, I will add them to our onlineshop. I already worked out the Shop for the last weeks, and now we finally have quiet a few new and amazing objects and artwork in the Shop. I am very happy with how it turned out. Also, we can look foward to the exhibition next month, until then, the students will still produce more amazing and creative artwork.

I was also lucky, to be there for the first Film, the students watched at the movie Club. It was a great coming of age Film. The students also seemed like they liked it, according to their applause at the end. I'm looking foward to the next movie!

Today, me and Annie, went to the Maksimir Park. It's been a while since I've seen a Park, quiet so beautiful as this one. The trees were already yellow and Orange, as it should be in Fall, and the weather was perfect for a long walk. We coudnt stop talking about, how amazed we were by the place, everything was so gorgeous. We sat down in a Café on the top of a little hill and had the most amazing view over the Park, while sipping our Coffee. On our way back to the entrance, we collectet leaves pinecones and more, to use for the DIY Club at school. I'm looking foward to use them with the students to work on New creative diys. 


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