Bok svima, ovaj kišni petak uljepšala su mi dva buduća kuhara. Kao i uvijek
dočekala me je ljubazna gospođa Brigita Jerić i upoznala me sa Brankom i Petrom.
Branko i Petar su jako simpatični i pristojni učenici koji sudjeluju u našem projektu
izrade digitalnih životopisa. Učenici su 3. razreda i vrlo su motivirani te vole svoj
budući posao, a ja ni najmanje ne sumnjam da će jednog dana biti odlični kuhari i
budući vlasnici restorana, što im je i želja u budućnosti. Intervjuirala sam ih i tako
smo se bolje upoznali. Razgovarali smo o njihovim ciljevima, željama, trenutnoj
praksi i pripremali smo sadržaj za digitalni životopis. Dogovorili smo i termin i
mjesto snimanja digitalnih životopisa koje nas očekuje sljedeći tjedan. Jako se
veselim suradnji sa ovim dragim dečkima i jedva čekam vidjeti njihove digitalne
životopise. Stay tuned.
Hello everyone, this rainy Friday was brightened up by two future chefs. As
always, I was greeted by the kind Mrs. Brigita Jerić and she introduced me to
Branko and Petar. Branko and Petar are very nice and polite students who
participate in our project of creating digital CVs. They are 3rd grade students and
are very motivated and love their future job, and I have no doubt that one day
they will be excellent chefs and owners of restaurant, which is their wish in the
future. I interviewed them and that's how we got to know each other better. We
talked about their goals, wishes, current practice and prepared the content for
the digital CV. We also agreed on the date and place of the recording of the digital
CVs, which is expected next week. I'm really looking forward to working with
these lovely guys and can't wait to see their digital CVs. Stay tuned.
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