Zovem se Antonija Vucić. Imam 20 godina. Završila sam Trgovačku školu
J.F.Kennedyja, smjer Komercijalist. U srednjoj školi sam imala praksu u
Intersparu gdje sam razvila komunikativne i socijalne vještine radeći s kolegama
i mušterijama. Također sam naučila raditi u timskom radu s kolegama koji su
nas mnogo poticali na uspješan odnos između kupca i djelatnika.
U dobi od 12-13 godine, volontirala sam s članom obitelji u udruzi PUŽ (Put U
Život) koju su osnovali roditelji djece s posebnim potrebama. U PUŽu sam
najviše naučila radeći s licenciranim djelatnicima i ostalim volonterima.
Upoznala sam mnogo djece i zavoljela rad s njima.
Svoje slobodno vrijeme volim provoditi sa partnerom i psom u prirodi, čitajući
knjige te pokojim putovanjem u druge gradove kada sam u mogućnosti.
Smatram se kolegijalnom, marljivom i vrijednom. Spremnom za učenje i
My name is Antonija Vucić. I'm 20 years old. I graduated from the J.F.Kennedy
School of Commerce, majoring in Commercialism. In high school I had an
internship at Interspar where I developed communication and social skills
working with colleagues and customers. I also learned to work in a team with
colleagues who encouraged us a lot to have a successful relationship between
customer and employee.
At the age of 12-13, I volunteered with a family member in the association PUŽ
(Put U Život), which was founded by parents of children with special needs. At
PUŽ, I learned the most by working with licensed employees and other
volunteers. I met many children and loved working with them.
I like to spend my free time with my partner and my dog in nature, reading
books and occasionally traveling to other cities when I can.
I consider myself collegial, diligent and hardworking. Ready to learn and
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