Moji prvi
dani u Centru Slava Raškaj bili su odlični. Kada sam ušla u prostoriju sva
djeca su me jako lijepo prihvatila i počeli su me ispitivati jako puno pitanja
o meni. Iako nisam baš jutarnji tip, čim dođem kod djece odmah me razbude sa
svojim zagrljajima i pričama što su radili tokom vikenda. Volim provoditi svoje
vrijeme sa njima. Kroz njihovo učenje i igru smatram da isto tako i ja mogu
nešto naučiti od njih i teta koje mi uvijek sve objasne. Vrlo jako se radujem
što ću imati priliku raditi sa takvom djecom i veselim se našim budućim danima
provedenim zajedno.
My first days at the Slava Raškaj Center were great. When I entered the room, all the children accepted me very nicely and started asking me a lot of questions about me. Although I'm not really a morning person, as soon as I get to the children's house, they immediately wake me up with their hugs and stories about what they did during the weekend. I love spending my time with them. Through their learning and play, I believe that I can also learn something from them and from my aunt, who always explains everything to me. I am very much looking forward to having the opportunity to work with such children and look forward to our future days together.
Sretno Tonka!